Window properties can be set using the WindowBuilder
, which is the second argument of the closure passed to Application::new()
fn main() {
let app = Application::new(|state, window|{
window.set_title("Custom Title");
Setting proeprties can also be chained together:
fn main() {
let app = Application::new(|state, window|{
window.set_title("Custom Title").set_inner_size(400,300);
Below is a list of the window properties that can currently be modified:
Window Title
Sets the title of the window.
set_title(title: &str)
Window Inner Size
Sets the inner size of the window.
set_inner_size(width: u32, height: u32)
Window Inner Size
Sets the minimum inner size of the window.
set_min_inner_size(width: u32, height: u32)
Window Icon
Sets the window icon.
set_icon(&mut self, icon: Vec<u8>, width: u32, height: u32)
The icon must first be loaded using the image crate. Example:
let icon = image::open("resources/icons/calculator_dark-128.png").unwrap();
window.set_icon(icon.to_bytes(), icon.width(), icon.height());