Parent Properies (TODO)

Layout Type


enum LayoutType {


.container {
    layout-type: row | column | grid;

This determines how the child elements should be arranged in the parent.

  • Row - Child elements are arranged into a horizontal stack from left to right
  • Column - Child elements are arranged into a vertical stack from top to bottom
  • Grid - Child elements are arranged into a grid (link here)


This determines the spacing around the elements in a stack (does not apply to grid).

Each of the child spacing properties (see below), defined on the parent, acts to override the auto-spaced properties of the child elements. For example, the parent child-left property will override the left property of a child element if the left property is set to Units::Auto.

There are five child-space properties:

  1. child-left - determines the space to the left of the stack. Applies to the first element in a horizontal stack and all elements in a vertical stack.
  2. child-right - determines the space to the right of the stack. Applies to the last element in a horizontal stack and all elements in a vertical stack.
  3. child-top - determines the space to the top of the stack. Applies to the first element in a vertical stack and all elements in a horizontal stack.
  4. child-bottom - determines the space to the top of the stack. Applies to the last element in a vertical stack and all elements in a horizontal stack.
  5. child-between - determines the space between elements on the main axis. Applies to all elements except the first and last and acts to override child left and right spacing.

With these child spacing properties it is possible to do a number of alignment configurations:

Align Left

.container {
    child-left: 0px;
    child-right: 1s;

Align Center

.container {
    child-left: 1s;
    child-right: 1s;

Align Right

.container {
    child-left: 1s;
    child-right: 0px;

Align Top

.container {
    child-top: 0px;
    child-bottom: 1s;

Align Middle

.container {
    child-top: 1s;
    child-bottom: 1s;

Align Bottom

.container {
    child-top: 1s;
    child-bottom: 0px;

Space Between

.container {
    child-between: 1s;

Space Evenly (Row)

.container {
    child-left: 1s;
    child-right: 1s;
    child-between: 1s;