Child Properies (TODO)
Position Type
This determines how an element will be positioned within its parent relative to other child elements.
- self-directed - The element determines its own position, relative to the top-left corner of the parent, and is not affected by other elements in a stack or grid.
- parent-directed (default) - The element is positioned by the parent into a stack or grid.
There are four spacing properties that are used to specify the position an element within its parent:
- left - determines the space to the left of an element.
- right - determines the space to the right of an element.
- top - determines the space above an element.
- bottom - determines the space below an element.
The spacing properties behave somewhat like margins, adding space around an element.
The size of an element is determined by two properties:
- width - determines the width of an element.
- height - determines the height of an element.
Like with all spacing and size properties, the value can be expressed in pixels, percentage, stretch, and auto.